Monday, February 15, 2016

February update

I can't believe that I have not posted in almost a month!  WHOOPS!!! And so much has happened, I almost don't know where to start.  But like any story I will start at the beginning.

One of my goals for 2016 is to get through an entire month of WHole30.  Hubby and I started, and I made it....through Day 16.  That day he decided to go to the 7am CrossFit class.  Which left me getting the kids fed and dressed for school on a day that I had to work as well. (Remember how I said I started working as a sub at their school??) While he usually takes them to the same building that I am working, getting there 30 minutes before to read the lesson plans and get acquainted with the room helps me start the day in a non-frantic fashion.  So I got through that, and then he came home late.  I was so burned out of cooking every.single.meal.  I needed to just heat up some pizza and devour some chocolate cake. I broke. But I seriously learned a lot on my eating habits, what I like (ranch dressing!), and what I don't like (coffee without sugar is just not worth it). When we move, I can see us replenishing our pantry with healthier foods and maintaining a 80/20 lifestyle.

Running has been extremely hard during this winter.  On February 1st, it was 63-degrees, so I ran into Cambridge that day in shorts and a t-shirt.  This past weekend, the low was around -7 degrees. Hmmmmm..... So I have been spending a lot of time at the gym working out on the elliptical and bike.  Keeping my cardio up is the plan for now.  I am not sure how my plans will fall out for the Winter Vacation we are on this week. But I am certainly trying my best.

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