Sunday, February 28, 2016

Time Management

For me, it seems like running is always at the bottom of my list.  There are so many other things to be doing.  Meals to cook, rooms to clean, laundry to be folded.  And when I started working as a substitute teacher, my days were so "off"--I never knew what the day had in store until I logged on the system each morning to see if a job was available.

And now, my life is about to get every crazier.  I was offered, and accepted, a long-term substitute job.  I'll be in the same class room for 8 weeks while a teacher is out.  And this makes my time management skills needing some work on.  This past week I started the job and when to the gym on Monday, and then running outside on Thursday.  My father in law had the kiddos as well on Tuesday afternoon, but I was so worn out from school that I just stayed home and rested.  Sometimes the best thing to do is rest rather than run your body down even more. 

This weekend was super crazy.  Hubby had a ton of jobs to apply for, as well as homework to get caught up on from the week and things to turn in this coming week.  One kiddo had ninja class, and I needed to get things done ahead of this week including making a week of lesson plans.  But I am happy to say that I got a 2.20 mile run in on Saturday, and then 6.0 miles on Sunday.  My Sunday run was the longest one of the year so far, and it was super slow.  I think the turtle beat me back to the house.  But honestly, it felt so good to get out for a run.  I really do like getting out to run early on a weekend morning.  On Saturday I ran in the afternoon and cut the run short.  Every intersection I got to I had to wait for a minute or longer to cross the road because of all the cars out at that time of day.  On Sunday mornings I can run into Cambridge while the rest of the world is still stopping (or at least not for long), the silence of the day was all aaround, and since there are not a lot of cars and people, I felt like I had the roads to myself.

I am excited that spring is just around the corner, and I can see Boston again on foot.

Monday, February 15, 2016

February update

I can't believe that I have not posted in almost a month!  WHOOPS!!! And so much has happened, I almost don't know where to start.  But like any story I will start at the beginning.

One of my goals for 2016 is to get through an entire month of WHole30.  Hubby and I started, and I made it....through Day 16.  That day he decided to go to the 7am CrossFit class.  Which left me getting the kids fed and dressed for school on a day that I had to work as well. (Remember how I said I started working as a sub at their school??) While he usually takes them to the same building that I am working, getting there 30 minutes before to read the lesson plans and get acquainted with the room helps me start the day in a non-frantic fashion.  So I got through that, and then he came home late.  I was so burned out of cooking every.single.meal.  I needed to just heat up some pizza and devour some chocolate cake. I broke. But I seriously learned a lot on my eating habits, what I like (ranch dressing!), and what I don't like (coffee without sugar is just not worth it). When we move, I can see us replenishing our pantry with healthier foods and maintaining a 80/20 lifestyle.

Running has been extremely hard during this winter.  On February 1st, it was 63-degrees, so I ran into Cambridge that day in shorts and a t-shirt.  This past weekend, the low was around -7 degrees. Hmmmmm..... So I have been spending a lot of time at the gym working out on the elliptical and bike.  Keeping my cardio up is the plan for now.  I am not sure how my plans will fall out for the Winter Vacation we are on this week. But I am certainly trying my best.