Friday, January 17, 2014

Goals for 2014

Every January 1st, millions of people make New Year's Resolutions. They will eat better, go to the gym more often, start taking better care of themselves. And for the first week to ten days of the new year, they are really good about it.

But then life gets in the way---kids need help with homework, work gets too busy, your parents want you to come and visit. Resolutions go the way of the 8-track tape.  

I have previously heard that a better way to keep these "resolutions" are to call them "goals", and of course you have to shout to the whole world your plan so that someone will keep you accountable, right?  And that is EXACTLY what I am doing with this post!  

My "big picture" goal for 2014 is to run a race each month. Sounds impressive, until you break some of it down to see that some races will be a 5k or 10k.  Here is what my calendar currently looks like.

January-- Nashville New Years Resolution Run 5K Run/Walk
(Note: this was on January 4th--my time was 33:03.5 which is a new PR for me! Took me three years to break, but I did it!)

February 22nd--Love Your Heart 5K/10K
(Note: I am running the 10K event)

March 16th-- St. Patrick’s Day Kegs & Eggs 5K/10K
(Note: I am running the 10K event)

April 26th--St. Jude Country Music Marathon and 1/2 Marathon
(Note: I am running the half-marathon. I'm only half crazy!)

May 18th--Little River Days 5K Run

Five months of races on the calendar so far. I have added more 10K races in place of doing my long runs for the half-marathon training. And variety is the spice of life, right?

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