Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I took Nathan on a two mile slow walk around the neighborhood while Miles was in therapy.  The weather is finally a little more bearable for this, with highs this week in the upper 80's, instead of the upper 90's. So off we went!  I burned a little more than 200 calories, and Nathan got to see a change of scenery.

However, I have been a little exhausted lately, mostly by getting up early in hope of having some time to myself.  It never works---I can get up at 6am, and within 10 minutes the boys are awake. I can get up at 7am, same thing. So I might as well sleep late, right?  But the long days and nights of being a "single" mother are starting to take a toll on my body.  In the two weeks I have been on this schedule, I have already lost 4 pounds!  YEAH!?

But today I need a nap in the worst way.  I figure the best thing for myself and the boys is to rest, instead of wearing my body and spirit down with a six mile run. Sometimes you just have to re-prioritize some things....

Monday, August 23, 2010

Not a good start

I tried, I really did.  With stepping onto the treadmill for my warm up mile (which I was going to walk), I was super excited about being back the gym! It was my time, no kids, no husband, though I still had my cell phone (being a mom, you are "on call" 24/7, right?).  And right away the troubles began. It first started with a stitch in my side, so I lowered my pace to a 3.8.  And when my warm up lap was over, I ramped up the speed to a "fast turtle" speed of 4.8, which would still allow me to be on track for a pace of 11:42, the time my workout called for.  However, the personnel at the gym must not have realized that it is still August in Kentucky, and the air was almost non-existant today.  I was sweating buckets, and at mile 2 (that included the warm up mile) I was DONE! There was no way I could make 5 miles today. 

So I am swapping Monday and Friday's workouts---today counts as my easy run.  Hopefully the rest of the week will be a little better???

Sunday, August 22, 2010


This week starts the first full week that BOTH boys are in school at the same time. So this week starts the first full week of sanity for me! :) I have my running, training schedule all worked out (with days off to accommodate school vacation days), so here's hoping I can stick with it! The training plan I had to cut short, because it was longer than what I needed---the race is schedule before the end date of the schedule. Here is this week's schedule

Monday- Tempo Run-Total distance of 5 miles of including warm up; 3 miles @ 11:42 pace; cool down.
Wednesday-Long run of 6 miles @ 13:21 pace
Friday- East Run of 2 miles @ 13:21 pace

I've already tried a tempo run, and actually found it kind of hard.  My fast walk is around at 14 minute pace, and a slog jog is around 10:30 pace. And I have never run over 4 miles at one time, so this certainly should be interesting.  Yes, very, very interesting.....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Race Day-Touched by Grace Ministries 5k

Another Saturday, another race. This is turning into a recurring theme, and I am not sure yet if I am crazy or stupid---but here is a recap of today's race.

I was pretty excited to see the course again. It was the same course as my first 5k, the Firecracker 5k on July 3rd. Except this time it was reserved. And this time the race was later in the morning--8:00am. You would not think that would make a difference, but Tennessee has had some brutal heat this month, close to 100-degrees, with a heat index of over 100-degrees. Even early in the morning it was already 76-degrees, warm and muggy, and totally miserable for a 5k. But oh well, here it goes!

The first kilometer was not too bad, a little walking, but overall it was fine. It was the second and third kilometer that truly killed me. I don't know why, but I think with the heat, I was truly miserable and there were MANY points in that race that I wanted to just give up. But I kept on going, dragging my feet and taking too many walking breaks. It was on the last kilometer that I finally picked things up, when I looked at my watch and realized I had the chance to beat my last PR of 33:24. The walking breaks were over--time to kick it up in the speed department.

And I was oh-so-close!!! My final time was 33:33! Boo-hiss!!! Slower by 9 seconds! AHHH!!! If I had just taken 1 fewer walking breaks, I could have made it! :( Such a sad day. I'll blame the weather for this one; it was too hot to run. Oh, and maybe the fact that it had been almost a week since my last run.

Here's hoping for a new PR on October 30th.....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Getting caught up

I know, I know....I've been on a little break since my last posting. I have been to the gym off and on, with the July heat it is just sometimes too hot to head to a gym that has poor air circulation. But here are some updates since last time---

*I can't run the September 18th Franklin 5k. I am volunteering for my church's kid clothing consignment sale, and if you volunteer you get into the pre-sale early! Sorry, race is going to have to take a back seat to shopping!

*I am signed up for the Brentwood Classic 5k later this month. Here's hoping for a new PR?!

*Our fall schedule is lined up, with both children in school programs. My youngest one is going to a M-W-F school, so for those three afternoons I have at least 2 1/2 hours to myself! YIPPIE!!! I am so excited that I put together a full body workout program for myself--running program geared towards late November's 8k race, upper and lower body weight workout. I REALLY want to lose a few pounds (and inches) before Joel comes home next year, and of course, I want to totally smokin' body for our Jamaica trip.

I know, this is a totally lame posting. Hopefully I can get some good running sessions in so that I can shower you with my wisdom and insights. Until next time....