Big! HUGE! I am going to try to do this. Why? I am not really sure. It seems all of my friends are training for one, or have completed one (or more) of them. Even my husband has done it, so why can't I, right? I mean, seriously, how hard is it to run 13.1 miles.
Yep, that is right. I am going to start September 1st on working towards my first item of my Running Bucket List: Complete the Country Music Half-Marathon. I've heard it is kind of hard with all the hills in the downtown area, but I also figure Nashville is a great city to start my journey on running races longer than 5ks. Next up after this (maybe) would be the half-marathon in Knoxville, where you end the race on the 50 yard line of the University of Tennessee's Neyland Stadium. Hallowed ground for sure!
Anyway, I digress at this late hour of the day. Yes, me, newbie runner who will (hopefully) spend the next 8 months training to run 13.1 miles all at once. I am sure late nights for Joel, running the kids around town, traveling, and other daily life activities will try to derail me. But I also hope that my friends and family will help guide me back on my path and cheer me on as well!
Training plan for this week calls for an easy 2 mile run on Thursday (9/1/2011) and a long distance run of 8 miles on Saturday. EIGHT MILES! That is for sure the longest I will have EVER gone! Hmmm, maybe I need to rethink this.....
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